
Here’s what I know about convolvulus. Donkeys love it. They hoover it up as the rest of us hoover up spaghetti. Convolvulus is also known as Morning Glory. At our place, I’m working on the only Glory in the Morning being Donkeys honking. We’re not quite there yet. We’ve still got Morning Glory and Honking Donkeys. I know another trick about convolvulus. If you raid the local retailers who sell white-ware – or any other large item that comes in a large box of their cardboard; – you will be doing them a favour. Where we live it usually costs retailers money to get rid of it. Anyhow – after a pleasurable period of time ridding the cardboard of plastic tape and packing note covers, and if you’re really anal and have small children, the staples that held it together; you may place this on the unplanted sections of your garden – and indeed around the sections that are planted, and cover it with mulch. Mulch may be donke...